Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Monday morning.... again!

Monday morning. What does it mean to you?

As I sit here this morning at 9:30 a.m., I look at the days/week ahead, and I ponder what I will do with them/it. Then it all becomes overwhelming to me, as there is so much I'd like to accomplish, then I want to shut down. It's too much! So where do I begin?

This is the time that I would turn to facebook and get lost within it. I would look to other statuses to see how my friend's are getting through this morning and what they will do with their week. From what I would gather, I would then make adjustments to my day/week. However, without that input today, I must motivate myself to "git 'r done". So here I go.

On the other hand, don't expect to hear a whirlwind of activity coming from North Georgia. I don't feel any rumblings.

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