Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This past weekend, a group of 7 of us women enjoyed some time away from our "routines" of "normal" life and headed south for some fellowship at the beach. We went to Sunnyside Beach, just west of Panama City. As I reflect on this past weekend and the name of the beach, the name "Sunnyside" holds many different meanings for me.

Sunnyside: the name of the beach where we stayed; our attitudes at being with a group of fun-loving, energetic women - as being "sunnyside up"; the reason we are a group to begin with - a couple's bible study. God is our "sunnyside". He is our radiant power.

You see, I don't believe in coincidences. God is in control of everything - large and small. He orchestrated this weekend, and it was felt. Indeed, God blessed this weekend, and for that I am most thankful.

I reflect on the time when we were moving to Atlanta. I dreaded it, but I had to realize that God was in control, and He indeed knew what He was doing. As difficult as change is and can be, submitting to His authority and trusting that He will right all circumstances, we can rest that indeed glory will come to His name.

If only I had known 8 years ago this month that I would experience more love and embraces from friends I didn't know, then I would have indeed put my "sunnyside" up and run quickly to Atlanta. Dear God, I thank you for being in control and being my "Sunnyside!"

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