Saturday, June 7, 2008

dinner provisions

A few weeks back, I was steadily working on a scrapbook project in my basement hideout when I could hear through the ceiling Reid's calling out to me. His calls continued until he reached me in my scrapbook room. He came bouncing into the room with a black trash bag thrown over his shoulder. "Mom, I know what's for dinner!" he exclaimed. To my astonishment, Reid stood in front of me in his previously clean white polo-style shirt and khaki shorts which he had worn to church that morning. They were now camouflaged in dirt from head to toe with a stench to match! Now, I am a firm believer that my children should enjoy the outside without being concerned about getting their clothes dirty, but this was almost more than I could handle. It was also quite evident that Reid had taken my lackadaisical attitude to heart!

So, once I digested my initial reaction to the dirty, smelly boy standing in front of me, I followed his exclamation with a sincere inquiry as to what he had in mind. He went on to explain that he and another person were at the lake, and they had caught some fish. He was happily sporting four fish in his treasure sack! I was thrilled, admittedly more for him than for the dinner option - fresh brim and blue gill (or whatever they were). Joel had agreed to assist him in the cleaning process and cook them for dinner. Fortunately, I was off the hook (excuse the pun).

Reid and Joel did enjoy some time together chopping heads off the live fish then scaling them in preparation for the next step of devouring the delicacy from our neighborhood "pond." Caroline and I opted for chicken. I couldn't get past the fact that these fish had been swimming in our neighborhood lake, and Caroline doesn't care for fish, that is unless it's mahi-mahi from the ocean!

The following photos display some of the process except the resulting entree. What was I thinking to not snap the cooked fish?!

1 comment:

The O'Hara's said...

Ugh! I have to say that we O'Hara's have missed out not having Reid as a neighbor!

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