Monday, June 2, 2008

God's sovereignty

Last evening I was reading a chapter on God's sovereignty in Chip Ingram's "God: As He Longs for You to See Him." This is a subject I am quite comfortable in believing and on which I rest my life, and it's always reassuring when I read it in print. I find that it is a way for God to speak to me, and that was truly the case last night when I finished the chapter and read through the prayer at the end. Chip's words, whose I believe were actually God's, read: "grant that I might this day so fully believe that you are both good and sovereign that I would absolutely refuse to worry, knowing you are working all things for my good today - even those things I don't understand and that seem so unfair." Oh, how those words have rung true today!

Most of you reading this know our situation with our business in Decatur. We have been in a bind with this situation since December. Deadline after deadline, we have been led to believe that we would be taking possession of the marina once again. Today was yet another deadline. However, things went a bit unexpectedly toward a hopeful ending. We have been reassured by our leasee that he will be purchasing the property, and an agreement has been reached that this deal will be finalized by July 31st.

Friends, I ask for your mental, moral and spiritual support in any way that you can give it. My heartfelt prayers are with the current manager of the property and for his ability to secure financing and/or partners through which he can purchase this property. God is indeed working this for our good, though I believe this man needs any support he can receive.

Our summer plans may now move forward, and as I referenced beginnings yesterday, I do very much feel as if we have been given a new beginning! It's definitely a beginning of hope! There are a few hurdles over which Ed must jump in the next two months, and I will firmly believe that he will accomplish this mission.

I am now welcoming myself to the beginning of the "lazy days of summer." It's definitely NOT what I expected I would be saying today. Thank you, God, for being in control of my life!

Enjoy, and I hope to see you around the lake or pool!

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