Sunday, February 8, 2009

Thanks facebook!

Last week, I had the pleasure of visiting with two friends that I haven't seen in years. Both of these visits were made possible through reconnecting through facebook - the online social networking tool. Their tagline is: "Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in your life." Indeed, this is what I have been able to accomplish through this site.
While employed as an American Airlines flight attendant, I had established a few very close friendships. This is an obvious benefit of any employment. To this day, we still communicate via email and Christmas cards, but since I've pulled out of that environment, I haven't had the benefit of frequenting their locales and keeping up a personal relationship. There were two friends in particular, Deborah and Belinda, whom I was close, mostly due to our parallel lives of commuting and working together. I was the first to get pregnant, and I flew my last trip with them. Then they immediately followed my pregnancy, and we all delivered girls into this world within several months of each other. Upon the completion of my leaves, I could not return to the life of a commuting flight attendant, however, they both have now entered their second decades of service with American Airlines. Let me tell you, this is an amazing accomplishment! I know; I've lived it, but not with children. In fact, a couple of years later, we all three delivered boys, again within several months of each other! (And Belinda went on to deliver a third child!) These ladies have endured years of this lifestyle - an uncertain one at best. (Just ask Belinda - this past week, a 3-day trip turned into a 6-day one, I believe, when she was stuck for 4 days in Brussels due to a 3-time cancelled flight. Yeah, you would think that's not a bad place to get stuck, but ask the mother of a daughter who was having her 9th birthday, and momma wasn't home to finalize the preparations and to wake up on the morning of Alison's birthday, as was the plan. She finally returned home the night of Alison's birthday.) Anyway, I digress, but I celebrate with my friend's accomplishments.

But, back to facebook... I learned of Deborah's planned visit with a friend who lives just up the street from me. So, she agreed to come into town early, and we planned on an afternoon visit here at my home. In honor of our history together, I decided I wanted to prepare a celebration of an English afternoon tea. I prepared homemade cranberry-lemon scones complete with clotted cream (may not sound delightful, but let me assure you that it is the best, thickest whipped cream). I also had a jar of English black currant jam, sent to me from another f/a friend, Victoria. We prepared plates of scones, cream, jam, and strawberries along with some Earl Grey tea. It was delightful, but I'm telling you, it didn't compare to the special time that Deborah and I had to reconnect and reestablish our friendship! The only thing missing was Belinda - but she was stuck in Brussels. However, I know that they have flying privileges, and we can agree on another time, and we can gather another time and maybe with our children.

Time has continued, however, facebook has allowed us to pick up the pieces and create more stories. Yes, I'm a people person, and YES I love facebook for what it has allowed me to accomplish, even if it's only communicating online. There are so many more stories to come, and I am excited for what's around the corner!

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