Thursday, December 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I don't know if this officially exists or not, but I have established today as "Thankful Thursday!"

I received a gift this evening from a friend which included a note of appreciation. I certainly did not feel worthy as I was reading it, however I am appreciative of her kind words in expressing how thankful she is of me. And then it hit me; I am so thankful to God for placing Joel, me and the children in this location and for giving me the friends I have here, in Alabama, and across this world! I am truly blessed by each person in my life!

So that's it; Thankful Thursday = my friends! I truly am blessed to have in my life the people that I do. Without God and without these influences, my life would be worthless.

Thank you, God, and thank you, friends! I love you all!

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