Monday, August 10, 2009

And they're off...

... to high school and the middle of middle school! And now I find myself in a quiet home, literally. I normally can't stand a quiet house, so I have to have the television on. Today, however, I'm suffering through some odd feelings, and my inclination is to keep it quiet in the house.
The Jenkins' "normal "has been off since April with Joel away, and now with the children starting a new year in their lives, I am realizing that a new year begins for me as well. Joel has not ever been away for the start of a new school year, and he won't be here for next year as well. With school starting, holidays and vacations seem to come into view, and I am realizing that Joel will be away for all of those as well. So, I guess quietness is what I need today to process the changes that are ahead of us. This may be my new "normal". I digress.....

On the horizon though, there is excitement. Caroline is a member of the JV softball team, and she'll be participating in the high school chorus. Both entities will keep her engaged in extra-curricular activities and plugged into groups within the large high school she is attending. She has terrific friends, and the road ahead is promising. Reid has found the love of lacrosse, and he is excited to begin playing again this Fall. He also wants to continue voice lessons. I'm thankful that my children have passions in their lives, and I know they, the children and their activities, will keep us engaged while Joel is away. We'll just miss him being alongside of us to witness these moments.

Stay tuned. I hope I will keep you plugged in on all of the jaunts.

1 comment:

Bamawhitney said...

Beautiful picttures and kids!

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