Sunday, September 14, 2008

A must read!

To my dear audience:
I apologize for not "being around" lately; I really don't know why. I have often thought that I MUST get online and post a message, but sometimes, along with the timing, the mood has to be right. I guess neither has been mutually in sync. Also, there really isn't much happening in the "jaunts" department, so I am not compelled to write about nothing. Well, I suddenly have the urge to get the word out about a book I just read.

"same kind of different As me" by Ron Hall and Denver Moore is the most inspiring book I have ever read, and I would like to heartily encourage each of you to go out and purchase it at your local bookstore ASAP or get on and order it right now! I'll even forgive you from completing this sentence... stop reading and order! To assist you, I'll stop typing!

Please comment after you have ordered.
You can thank me later.
Love to all:


Bamawhitney said...

you really gotta blog more--you are a very interesting person! I tagged you on my blog to forse you to blog!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the "must read!" I am always searching for my next read. I have it ordered and will let you know my thoughts on it as soon as I have finished it. I miss reading about those "Jenkins Jaunts" but I too have found our life has settled down now that school is back in... not as many jaunts.
Stay in touch as I know you will!!

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