Last year about this time I posted a photo of our precious nephew, Jay, in the pool. Well, here we are again, one year later. The blue eyes remain, and they now look at us with an adoring smile. We have a relationship where no words are required for communicating. Of course he has his own language, one we can't much understand beyond the "Heeeyyyyy!" or the "Bye-byyye." And of course, there are the arms that reach up for a lift into larger and comforting arms of an adult, or in this case, his aunt. What a gift God has blessed us with!
I love this child, and I get a thrill at the opportunity to spend time with him. He is always greeting me with a smile, and he's learning to give kisses. I'll accept them anytime... even with slobber.
And now we're making room for another; his sibling to arrive in early October. So next year at this time, there will be two in a pool photo! Stay tuned!
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