PCB = Panama City Beach
AFB = Air Force Base
The first week of June, the children and I drove south to Dothan, Alabama to spend Joel's birthday with him. We arrived on a Tuesday, and the next day, Wednesday the 3rd, was Joel's brithday. We were thankful this was a week that he was training in the mornings, so we had the rest of the afternoon to spend with him. We had a great day picking up lunch then going on a picnic then playing putt-putt and some arcade games. It was a well-deserved time to spend with each of us since we have been apart since April. I digress....
Anyway, on Saturday, we desired to go to the beach, and Panama City was the closest. So off we went. On the way we decided to check out Tyndall AFB because we had heard the base was on the coast. The GPS was set, (yet another acronym = Global Positioning Satellite), and we held course to the base.
Upon arrival, we weren't quite sure of our choice of "beaches", however we were later pleased with the choice we had made. There was a boardwalk AT LEAST 1/2 mile long (wish I had taken a photo for proof), though upon stepping off onto the sand, the beach stretched on and on without the first indication that we lived in a commercial world. We felt as though we were living in a natural world amongst the other beach-goers. It was beautiful, and we relished the time we had to enjoy the sun, surf and fellowship with each other.
Caroline brought along a softball and gloves to try her hands at some beach softball. Reid, too, wanted to get some sand between his toes playing lacrosse. What a perfect place for enjoying both sports!
So why bring up acronyms? I guess I'm just getting used to them all over again. The military is notorious for the use of acronyms. After all, Joel is in the Army attending FWMEQC. Let me explain this one (I had to ask for myself.): Fixed-Wing Multi-Engine Qualification Course. For me it's easier to just say the title of the class. I'd have to really think to come up with the acronym! And in November he's going to ODIN Iraq. No, it's not the city that we originally thought; it translates into Observe Defend Identify and Neutralize! (We think. We're still new on this one.)
There are many more to come, I'm sure, but for now.. ITFB and ILYA! (It's Time For Bed and I Love You All!) I guess this is how the "text language" developed. That's another story in itself.