Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Annabelle and Jay

I've been asked to post some updated photos of Miss Annabelle. She is adorable, and I was told today that she has started "talking" and smiling. Guess that just means that I'll have to get a dose of that soon. Actually, I will tonight at our weekly dinner with this family. :-)
On the other hand, Jay is always quick to offer up some "Hi's". (I know there isn't supposed to be an apostrophe there, but it looks like "his" if not, and I don't want you to read it incorrectly.) And when the camera is presented at him, the "Cheese" starts up. At other times, you have to run around the house to keep up with him.

What joy these two offer to us Jenkinses, and we are so very thankful that they are right around the corner for our enjoyment! Now we have to talk the other third of the family to move into our area.

The scene

Reid just HAD to jump in this picture with them!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Official!

It is really official. As I type this, Joel is sitting against the window of a DC-10 heading overseas.

Tonight was our 3rd goodbye. It is often said that "3 Times is a Charm", however I would have to disagree on this one. The 2nd one was the most difficult (after Thanksgiving), but this one was real.
We were sitting at the gate area with a minimum of 200 dressed-out soldiers heading back to war. This scene really "hit home". This isn't an imagined war; this was war in action, and we were witnessing strong, fit men and women who were "out there" fighting for us all.

I recently had a conversation about this war over the phone with someone that I didn't know. (He had called to solicit money.) He was an ex-Navy guy who shared something with me that "turned on my lightbulb". Having these guys fighting in someone else's yard was protecting us. Our citizens were not in danger, nor were they innocent, by-standing victims. This gentleman was right, and I for whatever reason, finally acknowledged that my husband was going to be a part of a magnificent effort to protect our borders. Previously I was harboring some bad emotions as to why my husband and so many others were actually fighting for my freedom when they were protecting others in a foreign land. Guess I needed to be straightened out on that one. In other words, yes, these soldiers that I laid my eyes upon this evening were every day heroes.
I digressed.
So, Joel is being carried to a far away, foreign, unsafe land, and upon walking into our home, I was all alone, or so it felt. There wouldn't be his physical presence for over a year. However, the good news is that I, nor my children, are alone. God is with us, and He will not forsake or leave us. Whatever His plans for this journey, I will praise Him for His involvement in our lives. We are blessed. We have employment and benefits, and we have our health. I thank God for all of that and for all that He will do for us in this next year.
And if you don't know the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) through God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then you are missing out. He is our Comforter, and He will be our Strength while Joel is physically away from us. Who could be in better hands? I've decided to let go and let God! He can do a better job than I could ever imagine! And He will comfort my hurt.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Caroline got a surprise when she visited the orthodontist (Johanna) today. She got her top braces off!
Just thought you all would like to see half of her pearly whites.

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