It was also a special time to see Jay respond to his sister. What I found most
And it only takes a few words to sum it all up.... we are so thankful!
Going back to the birth of my second child, Reid, I wondered how in the world I would love him? I loved Caroline so much, and I just couldn't take any away from her. Well, what I discovered, and what most of you with more than one child know, He just gives you more love! It's amazing! How gracious is He?! And that's the way it is with this precious gift. I love that little man, Jay, and now God has blessed me with even more love to share with this beautiful little girl. I am already looking forward to girly things with her - like playing with dolls, putting on makeup, AND shopping! And how thankful I am that Caroline has the gift of a girl cousin with whom to grow old! (I think of my precious, departed grandmother who had a very close relationship with her younger, female first cousin. Even in death, the bonds were strong and tender.)
I am ecstatic tonight, and I never expected these feelings. As I have learned, it's an early introduction to grandparenting, so it can only get better. Imagination.... what a powerful tool! And I know it's going to be grand in person!
May God bless you with love beyond measure!
Annabelle is already learning to say "Hiiii!" just like her brother.