Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Annabelle and Jay

I've been asked to post some updated photos of Miss Annabelle. She is adorable, and I was told today that she has started "talking" and smiling. Guess that just means that I'll have to get a dose of that soon. Actually, I will tonight at our weekly dinner with this family. :-)
On the other hand, Jay is always quick to offer up some "Hi's". (I know there isn't supposed to be an apostrophe there, but it looks like "his" if not, and I don't want you to read it incorrectly.) And when the camera is presented at him, the "Cheese" starts up. At other times, you have to run around the house to keep up with him.

What joy these two offer to us Jenkinses, and we are so very thankful that they are right around the corner for our enjoyment! Now we have to talk the other third of the family to move into our area.

The scene

Reid just HAD to jump in this picture with them!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

It's Official!

It is really official. As I type this, Joel is sitting against the window of a DC-10 heading overseas.

Tonight was our 3rd goodbye. It is often said that "3 Times is a Charm", however I would have to disagree on this one. The 2nd one was the most difficult (after Thanksgiving), but this one was real.
We were sitting at the gate area with a minimum of 200 dressed-out soldiers heading back to war. This scene really "hit home". This isn't an imagined war; this was war in action, and we were witnessing strong, fit men and women who were "out there" fighting for us all.

I recently had a conversation about this war over the phone with someone that I didn't know. (He had called to solicit money.) He was an ex-Navy guy who shared something with me that "turned on my lightbulb". Having these guys fighting in someone else's yard was protecting us. Our citizens were not in danger, nor were they innocent, by-standing victims. This gentleman was right, and I for whatever reason, finally acknowledged that my husband was going to be a part of a magnificent effort to protect our borders. Previously I was harboring some bad emotions as to why my husband and so many others were actually fighting for my freedom when they were protecting others in a foreign land. Guess I needed to be straightened out on that one. In other words, yes, these soldiers that I laid my eyes upon this evening were every day heroes.
I digressed.
So, Joel is being carried to a far away, foreign, unsafe land, and upon walking into our home, I was all alone, or so it felt. There wouldn't be his physical presence for over a year. However, the good news is that I, nor my children, are alone. God is with us, and He will not forsake or leave us. Whatever His plans for this journey, I will praise Him for His involvement in our lives. We are blessed. We have employment and benefits, and we have our health. I thank God for all of that and for all that He will do for us in this next year.
And if you don't know the peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7) through God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, then you are missing out. He is our Comforter, and He will be our Strength while Joel is physically away from us. Who could be in better hands? I've decided to let go and let God! He can do a better job than I could ever imagine! And He will comfort my hurt.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Caroline got a surprise when she visited the orthodontist (Johanna) today. She got her top braces off!
Just thought you all would like to see half of her pearly whites.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

She's Home

Annabelle is home, and that afforded the rest of my family an opportunity to meet her in person! Each family member came in shifts. That was unique, however it provided an opportunity for each to have their special time with this special creation. And special it was.

It was also a special time to see Jay respond to his sister. What I found most interesting was watching him watch her move. He has had a little doll to "introduce" him to the baby, but this real one moves! I think he was actually amazed at what he witnessed. So was I; it is God's creation at work!

And it only takes a few words to sum it all up.... we are so thankful!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Better in Person

"They" say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I'd like to add that the real thing must be worth a million! Today I got to meet my one and only niece, Annabelle Brooks! She is gorgeous and precious. Poppy was right; she looks just like Jay at birth, but she is feminine. Even her noises sound so sweet and feminine. How can that be? I don't know about that, but I do know that God is so good!

Going back to the birth of my second child, Reid, I wondered how in the world I would love him? I loved Caroline so much, and I just couldn't take any away from her. Well, what I discovered, and what most of you with more than one child know, He just gives you more love! It's amazing! How gracious is He?! And that's the way it is with this precious gift. I love that little man, Jay, and now God has blessed me with even more love to share with this beautiful little girl. I am already looking forward to girly things with her - like playing with dolls, putting on makeup, AND shopping! And how thankful I am that Caroline has the gift of a girl cousin with whom to grow old! (I think of my precious, departed grandmother who had a very close relationship with her younger, female first cousin. Even in death, the bonds were strong and tender.)

I am ecstatic tonight, and I never expected these feelings. As I have learned, it's an early introduction to grandparenting, so it can only get better. Imagination.... what a powerful tool! And I know it's going to be grand in person!

May God bless you with love beyond measure!

Annabelle is already learning to say "Hiiii!" just like her brother.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Daddy's Little Girl

There are no words needed here. :-)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

She's here!

Annabelle Brooks is here! She arrived at 8:40am, and she weighs 7 lbs. 12 0z. at 18 3/4 inches.

Jay was able to "meet" his sister via an email. Technology is amazing!

I'll post more photos as I get them. Oh! I just got another!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Just over 7 months ago, I lost my sweet Granny. The next day, February 25th, Johanna confided in me that she had discovered that she was pregnant. Oh what joy filled my heart during what was a very sad time for me!

It's often that we learn of a life following a death, and with the birth of a precious girl tomorrow, I will reflect on the life of my grandmother and the joy that she added to my life. And in doing so, I know that this little girl will be adding even more joy to my life.

Our families live within minutes of each other, and we have recently started a tradition of sharing a meal together once a week. Tonight was such an occasion. It was the last meal shared with this family of 3, as our next meal together will include another child to love and hold. Oh, the joy!

And, as soon as I have some photos I'll be posting them here. However, the hospital and CDC have some policies in place due to the swine flu that may not allow us to visit while they're in the hospital. So, please know the photos will be in place just as soon as I have them.

In the meantime, please know that I want you to celebrate life, no matter the moment. It's a precious gift from God - rather it's taken or given, and either way, with Christ we live forever in complete and utter joy beyond imagining!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Big Shoes

This baby has some big shoes to fill. He's going to be a BIG brother real soon - maybe this week!
Stay tuned!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A look back....

And when I returned home from being with Joel and his new ride, I saw this photo of us in May 1990 during his initial training in this bird.
At first I thought I should replace this one with the one taken today, however I am sentimental, and I think I'll just put the two together. And then that makes me think of all the things that have gone on in between these events. (The Dash - for all of those who are familiar.) Wow! What a life we have experienced and will be celebrating come October 28th!

Welcome Aboard!

I think Joel picked up on my sadness yesterday, so he arranged his mission to fly to Dobbins and have lunch with me today! I must tell you I am honored because he has been flying all over the country for a variety of foods. He's traveled to Louisiana for some Cajun cuisine, the Keys for some key lime pie (not really - he had a blackened mahi sandwich with no room for the pie), Pennsylvania for a Philly cheesesteak, and to Ft. Lauderdale for some more seafood (his favorite). Today, he traveled for some Greek food at Marietta Diner. Yum-o!

Mike and Joel landed just before 11am, and I picked them up at Dobbins ARB, and his dad met us there for our delicious lunch. We returned back to the base with JR in tow so Joel could show us the aircraft. Now I understand why Joel likes this ride better than the "tree-skimmer" (helicopter)! They had already flown to Nashville this morning before landing in Marietta, and then they were leaving for Ft. Hood to pick up a soldier, who had just returned from Iraq. They would then return to Ft. Rucker to determine their mission for tomorrow. Look out; he could be coming to a neighborhood near you!

Monday, August 10, 2009

And they're off...

... to high school and the middle of middle school! And now I find myself in a quiet home, literally. I normally can't stand a quiet house, so I have to have the television on. Today, however, I'm suffering through some odd feelings, and my inclination is to keep it quiet in the house.
The Jenkins' "normal "has been off since April with Joel away, and now with the children starting a new year in their lives, I am realizing that a new year begins for me as well. Joel has not ever been away for the start of a new school year, and he won't be here for next year as well. With school starting, holidays and vacations seem to come into view, and I am realizing that Joel will be away for all of those as well. So, I guess quietness is what I need today to process the changes that are ahead of us. This may be my new "normal". I digress.....

On the horizon though, there is excitement. Caroline is a member of the JV softball team, and she'll be participating in the high school chorus. Both entities will keep her engaged in extra-curricular activities and plugged into groups within the large high school she is attending. She has terrific friends, and the road ahead is promising. Reid has found the love of lacrosse, and he is excited to begin playing again this Fall. He also wants to continue voice lessons. I'm thankful that my children have passions in their lives, and I know they, the children and their activities, will keep us engaged while Joel is away. We'll just miss him being alongside of us to witness these moments.

Stay tuned. I hope I will keep you plugged in on all of the jaunts.

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