Sunday, June 29, 2008

Birthday Thankfulness

I'm a weary but very thankful mom at 11:15pm this evening.

Today was Reid's 11th birthday party. With that comes pre-planning lists, errands and other self-imposed stresses of such an upcoming event. There are so many details I want to organize and manage, but during these lazy days of Summer, there is another aspect I have to take into consideration, though there is nothing I can do to control it. That's the weather. It is usually something to consider for Reid's birthday parties because we often utilize the outdoors and water in some form to help us celebrate.

So, the biggest stress of this week has been the concern of what the weather will be like. And since Wednesday, we have been under the threat of heavy rain storms by local weather forecasts. Thursday and Friday each carried a 30% chance of rain. Saturday's chance was 50%, and today, Sunday, the chance of rain and thunderstorms was 60%. (Figures. Reid has shared many birthday celebrations with his friends in the rain!) All of the days preceding this day were beautiful. This morning we awoke to heavy, grey clouds and cool temperatures. So I begged God for no rain, though I did agree to rain with no thunder and lightning. I also discovered Reid sitting in the driveway awaiting the delivery of the Blue Crush waterslide and slip 'n slide. He, too, was concerned at the threat of rain during the day. I mentioned he might want to ask God to spare us again today. He said that he had just been doing that. (I am thankful that my children actively consult God with their concerns, even if it is holding off some rain.)

Just prior to the party the sun began to shine. During the party hours of 2-5 pm it was a beautiful day! The girls left, and the boys stayed to continue outdoor play and spend the night. They were slipping and sliding at 6:30 pm. when we noticed heavy, dark, black clouds approaching. The wind began to gust and the rains came to our parched land and gave it a drink. The timing was amazing! The day had indeed been a perfect day for this birthday party, and I have to say that I've been thanking God since the sun began to shine.

I'm sure there were others who were praying for rain today, and maybe they got it in their little corner of the world. But for Reid and me, God raised an umbrella of sunshine into our lives today. We are tremendously grateful for His consideration of our requests and the recognition of their importance today. He not only gave Reid a gift today, He gave me another reason to be so grateful for His presence in our lives.

And I've just heard the weather forecast for this week: "It looks like we'll be high and dry until the 4th of July." Here we go again. Another birthday celebration, and another concern for the weather!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


This past weekend, a group of 7 of us women enjoyed some time away from our "routines" of "normal" life and headed south for some fellowship at the beach. We went to Sunnyside Beach, just west of Panama City. As I reflect on this past weekend and the name of the beach, the name "Sunnyside" holds many different meanings for me.

Sunnyside: the name of the beach where we stayed; our attitudes at being with a group of fun-loving, energetic women - as being "sunnyside up"; the reason we are a group to begin with - a couple's bible study. God is our "sunnyside". He is our radiant power.

You see, I don't believe in coincidences. God is in control of everything - large and small. He orchestrated this weekend, and it was felt. Indeed, God blessed this weekend, and for that I am most thankful.

I reflect on the time when we were moving to Atlanta. I dreaded it, but I had to realize that God was in control, and He indeed knew what He was doing. As difficult as change is and can be, submitting to His authority and trusting that He will right all circumstances, we can rest that indeed glory will come to His name.

If only I had known 8 years ago this month that I would experience more love and embraces from friends I didn't know, then I would have indeed put my "sunnyside" up and run quickly to Atlanta. Dear God, I thank you for being in control and being my "Sunnyside!"

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Hang Ten

This Jenkins family is already creating lasting memories at the lake this summer, and Memorial Day weekend proved to be just that - memorable!

Caroline was eager to go kneeboarding a couple of weeks ago, so Joel and I took her around the lake a couple of times. Upon completion of her ride, she looked at Bella, who was also in the boat, and said something about taking her kneeboarding later that evening. Joel and I certainly didn't think she was serious about that proposition, but as the golden hues of the sunset came over the water, and we were waiting for Alabama to play their first game of the Women's Fastpitch World Series, we decided to give it a try.

Both girls donned their life jackets. Caroline was in the water with the board. We lifted Bella onto the board, and she looked back rather quizzically. If she could have talked to me, I imagined her to be asking why I was doing this to her! If the truth be known (to her and everyone), I was rather curious to see this outcome!

The proverbial "Are you ready?" was called out, and the "Yes!" was returned. The throttle went down, and as the boat's bow lowered into the water, Bella was still positioned at the front of the kneeboard. The ride started slowly at first, but at Caroline's urging, Joel continued to take the boat faster. We couldn't believe that Caroline continued to retrieve the rope handle from the hook, and Bella stood there without a change of expression. Now for all we know her knuckles were white, but so is her fur, so how was Caroline to tell? :-)

The ride ended with a small crash and Caroline protecting Bella as a parent would a child. Again, I think I could hear Bella saying something about "this was why I didn't want to do this!" But when she boarded the boat, she was enthusiastically jumping and hopping around the boat with what appeared to be major excitement! By this reaction, we all agreed that she enjoyed herself, and that we'll have to do this again. In fact, maybe by the end of the summer she'll be doing it all by herself! Look for more updates!!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

dinner provisions

A few weeks back, I was steadily working on a scrapbook project in my basement hideout when I could hear through the ceiling Reid's calling out to me. His calls continued until he reached me in my scrapbook room. He came bouncing into the room with a black trash bag thrown over his shoulder. "Mom, I know what's for dinner!" he exclaimed. To my astonishment, Reid stood in front of me in his previously clean white polo-style shirt and khaki shorts which he had worn to church that morning. They were now camouflaged in dirt from head to toe with a stench to match! Now, I am a firm believer that my children should enjoy the outside without being concerned about getting their clothes dirty, but this was almost more than I could handle. It was also quite evident that Reid had taken my lackadaisical attitude to heart!

So, once I digested my initial reaction to the dirty, smelly boy standing in front of me, I followed his exclamation with a sincere inquiry as to what he had in mind. He went on to explain that he and another person were at the lake, and they had caught some fish. He was happily sporting four fish in his treasure sack! I was thrilled, admittedly more for him than for the dinner option - fresh brim and blue gill (or whatever they were). Joel had agreed to assist him in the cleaning process and cook them for dinner. Fortunately, I was off the hook (excuse the pun).

Reid and Joel did enjoy some time together chopping heads off the live fish then scaling them in preparation for the next step of devouring the delicacy from our neighborhood "pond." Caroline and I opted for chicken. I couldn't get past the fact that these fish had been swimming in our neighborhood lake, and Caroline doesn't care for fish, that is unless it's mahi-mahi from the ocean!

The following photos display some of the process except the resulting entree. What was I thinking to not snap the cooked fish?!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Joel at play

It would be normal for me to post a video of my children playing with a remote-controlled toy, however in this case, it's Joel. His gift from the children was a R/C helicopter, and since he unwrapped it, he has been excited to play with it. It's taken MUCH practice for him to get to this point. (Notice Bella keeps a close eye on the helicopter herself!) He now has it mostly under his control, and he comments, "I'm telling you, people, it's much easier to fly the real thing."

It was a slow day today, so this is what you get! HA!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday, Joel!

Happy Birthday, Joel! In continuing my effort to blog everyday (I hope I can keep it up most days!), I must share with you our adventure for today!

Today is Joel's 43rd birthday! (Yeah, he's officially, numerically older than me!) He's desire was to be outside and get "hot and sweaty" and to "push ourselves to our physical limits!" We accomplished one of those goals in full, but the latter was an effort. At a temperature of 93 degrees and a high humidity, just a walk outside the door met the first goal. The second was tried at the new "Sky Hike" at Stone Mountain Park. As a participant, you don a harness and attach yourselves to a track by rope. After this initial requirement, you must step out onto various width planks, tight wires or ropes, swinging bridges and the like to cross from one platform to another. It's a great test of your skill, especially if you try crossing without using your hands! There are three skill levels, however only the "easy" level is open; that would be the level closest to the ground at approximately 12 feet. We can't wait for the highest one to open at around 48 feet off the ground! Fun, fun, fun!

It was a fabulous afternoon, and after dreading the crowds of a hectic Saturday at the park, I was surprised and quickly reminded that it was only Tuesday when we were greeted by an empty parking lot! There were so few people at the park, we almost felt as if we had it all to ourselves. Stone Mountain Park is a superb place and one of our favorites in Atlanta. We hold annual passes because the park offers so many activities year-round. We didn't climb the mountain today, but we do on most visits. If you have never visited the park, we encourage you to come see us, and we'll be happy to be your guide!

Now I must get back to the birthday boy, as you all know how much attention he likes, especially on his day!!! We've already indulged in birthday cake from Publix (his favorite), so we must see what the rest of the evening holds! Hope you all enjoy your evening!

Monday, June 2, 2008

God's sovereignty

Last evening I was reading a chapter on God's sovereignty in Chip Ingram's "God: As He Longs for You to See Him." This is a subject I am quite comfortable in believing and on which I rest my life, and it's always reassuring when I read it in print. I find that it is a way for God to speak to me, and that was truly the case last night when I finished the chapter and read through the prayer at the end. Chip's words, whose I believe were actually God's, read: "grant that I might this day so fully believe that you are both good and sovereign that I would absolutely refuse to worry, knowing you are working all things for my good today - even those things I don't understand and that seem so unfair." Oh, how those words have rung true today!

Most of you reading this know our situation with our business in Decatur. We have been in a bind with this situation since December. Deadline after deadline, we have been led to believe that we would be taking possession of the marina once again. Today was yet another deadline. However, things went a bit unexpectedly toward a hopeful ending. We have been reassured by our leasee that he will be purchasing the property, and an agreement has been reached that this deal will be finalized by July 31st.

Friends, I ask for your mental, moral and spiritual support in any way that you can give it. My heartfelt prayers are with the current manager of the property and for his ability to secure financing and/or partners through which he can purchase this property. God is indeed working this for our good, though I believe this man needs any support he can receive.

Our summer plans may now move forward, and as I referenced beginnings yesterday, I do very much feel as if we have been given a new beginning! It's definitely a beginning of hope! There are a few hurdles over which Ed must jump in the next two months, and I will firmly believe that he will accomplish this mission.

I am now welcoming myself to the beginning of the "lazy days of summer." It's definitely NOT what I expected I would be saying today. Thank you, God, for being in control of my life!

Enjoy, and I hope to see you around the lake or pool!

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Beginnings; you either like them or dread them, or you make the decision to embrace them. Today, Sunday, June 1st, 2008, I am deciding to embrace blogging. It's a technology feat that has intrigued me, and after spending a year visiting teacher blogs and more recently a friend's, I have decided it's time for me to begin one myself. But why now? Again, it's intriguing. Secondly, our family sits on the verge of a new beginning; one I honestly am dreading.

Tomorrow our lives will be decided by the motives of one individual. His decision controls our destiny for the summer and possibly our lives. Granted, I wholeheartedly believe and trust that God is the ultimate authority of our lives, but in this case, one man's free will decides our future. So, I dread the outcome of tomorrow, because of its uncertainty. However, I know I will embrace the outcome, and Joel and I will move forward under God's guidance for our lives.

The beginning of this new adventure holds promise to reconnect with friends and open more doors for our family. We ask that you hold us close in thought and prayer as we begin this new and uncertain journey. I know it can only cause us to grow and appreciate all that we have in this life. And as God promises, He knows "the plans (He has for us); plans to prosper (us) and not to harm (us); plans for (our) future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

Please join us on our jaunts by checking in on this blog. It could be an exciting journey, and we'd like to keep you informed and ask for your prayers along the way.

Love to all,

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